Not Running Away

Wherever I go, my memories and thought patterns go with me. Whatever activity I choose to do can be so chosen (possibly subconsciously) as to muffle the sound of those thoughts I don't want to hear; but that can be only temporary.

This is related to living this one life and not cramming in multiple lives at the same time (next chapter).

Necessary things to realize:

  • The problems I subconsciously escape from.

  • I can allow myself to not like certain things, places, situations. (And that this is orthogonal to avoiding them.)

  • I can allow myself to have the freedom to shape my life.

  • I can allow myself to not force myself to endure things I don't really have to.

  • I am free to enter psychotherapy (and free to choose the therapist).

  • There is no running away from uncertainty.

  • My mind shapes my view of the world.

  • My thought patterns, mental problems and healthy parts of my mind determine how I interact with the world and filter the people I (can) interact with.

Last but not least, a special way of running away — running away while staying at the same place — is the act of ignoring a crucial part of reality (e.g. a responsibility) and is toxic to the people around me.

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