
  • In the last hundred years or so, language and science developed concepts that would be ungraspable in the past.

  • Technology of the last hundred years would be considered magic in the past.

  • Those things would be even more unimaginable, ungraspable, 2000 years ago.

  • Maybe god the father doesn't have the looks of an old man, maybe its nature is wholly ungraspable to us.

  • Maybe god — or our creators or whatever there is — is as unimaginable to us as we are for a hypothetical being in 2D space or as existing in a non-euclidean space or 4D space would be for us, (maybe even more and utterly unimaginable since some people can at least imagine some 4D situations).

  • I can't decide whether what is in Bible truly happened, whether it happened and metaphors were used or whether very insightful person/people became enlightened about the nature of existence and wrote it (and if that happened, I can't even decide about the nature/source of the enlightenment).

  • I do believe Jesus lived, but I can't decide whether he was a human who understood reality deeply or whether he was god rather than a human.

  • Metaphors had to be used — limited language, limited imagination, limited comprehension and intelligence all limit what can be conveyed.

  • I can't know what mind or consciousness requires or is composed of: does it rely on quantum effects and quantum states of the particles? That would make it uncopiable. Is it fully composed of regular matter and electrochemical signals? Is it of a wholly different nature and brain is just an interface? I know I can't know.

  • With the technological advances and rising possibilities of simulations, we see that there can exist simulations within which the consciousness cannot reach beyond the limits of the simulated environment and cannot know the nature of the environment in which the simulation is run.

  • Nowadays, physicists simulate universes with properties different from ours to test hypotheses such as having a different number of dimensions. The equations still work but the simulated universe can be very different. A theoretical being in such a universe might find ours incomprehensible. Therefore I can't know what is possibly outside our universe and whether there can even exist a concept of "outside our universe".

  • I believe we are a part of the universe, we are all "one" - the same matter, part of the whole interdependent process.

  • I believe there is SOMETHING that governs this universe and therefore our existence.

  • I don't know what the properties of that SOMETHING are.

  • I don't know in which way that SOMETHING governs the universe.

  • The more I think and study, the less I am certain of what I think I know.

  • I believe that there is an overwhelming probability there is SOMETHING governing the universe rather than nothing.

  • I don't know whether that SOMETHING knows about us, can know about us, can comprehend us, has a concept what we are, is conscious, ....

  • This SOMETHING is what I can't ultimately learn about, what is unreachable to me via any scientific method.

  • Even if there happens to be a divine intervention, revelation, or something like that, I can't know whether I'd comprehend it or whether I'd even become aware of what is happening; I wouldn't be able to know what is behind it because of my limited senses, imagination, and intelligence; therefore, I wouldn't be able to fully grasp the nature of that SOMETHING even if it reveals itself to me.

  • I consider that SOMETHING to be God.

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