Meaning of Life in General

  • "Meaning" is a human concept used to show a relation between facets of reality we call "events" or "things".

  • The term "meaning of life" has little sense unless the meaning of the term is further specified.

    • E.g. what meaning of the word "meaning" is to be used, what level of understanding it describes.

  • "Meaning" is the seeking of the answer for "why?".

  • The meaning of something can be found on many levels.

  • The question makes sense only when it is clear on which level it is considered.

  • Example: I see beautiful leaves in the sunset.

    • I see the leaves because I have eyes.

    • I process the information because I think and because of the way I think.

    • I find it beautiful because of evolution and a multitude of other events and properties of my body and mind.

    • The leaves are there so that the tree can breathe.

    • The tree is there because life evolved so.

    • Life is there because molecules combined into self-propagating structures.

    • The molecules exist because of the ways elementary particles and interactions work.

  • Some levels need a lot of work so that an explanation can be found, some can't be explained by the human mind, some can't be discovered or comprehended by the human mind.

  • The reality in general doesn't have the concept of meaning; humans as a part of reality do. We might mistakenly try to look for meaning where there may be none.

  • Language allows such a construction as "meaning of life", so we mistakenly try to understand even those meanings of the construction that do not describe anything.

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