Discovering Personal Meaning of Life

  • If every life has only the purpose of one's goal being finished and the goal only being done for the (living) others, then it is circularly purposeless.

  • If every life has only the purpose of one's goal being finished, without regards for one's own happiness and feelings during life, then it is in conflict with its nature (seeking happiness, avoiding pain and death, among other things).

    • Generally life is purposeless except for the goal of continuation of life; because at some level of understanding life is only a self-propagating process beginning with very simple structures.

    • At the level of decision making in live agents, there is not only the sole goal of continuation of life.

  • The personal meaning of life is to pretend there is a goal, to make that goal mean or do something for self or others, and to take actions based on feelings.

  • The personal meaning of life is to pretend there is a goal, to make the pretense so good it becomes meaningful in one's life, and to integrate it with one's nature, so that one's physical nature and mental state are in harmony

  • It cannot be a universal truth, a universal meaning of life for everyone. There is always someone who works differently and this description is a simplification that misses the point entirely for some individuals.

  • If my life has only the purpose of seeking happiness, it feels empty, and is therefore incomplete.

  • The meaning of my life is to be happy (in the various intricate senses of the word), to have a goal, and to go towards or fulfill or continue in that goal, and to make the path towards the goal more important than the end.

  • Upon the end of my life, the only thing left are the side effects of my life; I will lose everything (except for the pure reality of not being).

  • Ignoring the path and looking only at the end here, whatever I will have obtained by the end of my life will lose all value of its own for me (relationships, knowledge, things, money, etc.), but it might be important for my goal (e.g. some people being happy, something being better).

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